Destination cnx_adapter_sap was removed. Check the list of available destination configurations.,errorCode=102.9000,pipeline=null,stack=<pre> [SAP.102.9000] JCo error: Destination cnx_adapter_sap was removed. Check the list of available destination config

Hello, currently using WM version 10.7. We have in place many webservices Web Service Descriptor that call out many adapter Adapter Services (to call out a function in SAP) which uses SAP Adapter connection ‘cnx_adapter_sap’ to communicate with SAP.

When launching the adapters manually on webMethods portals, it works. But during the night, the adapter is being launched constantly and at some point it fails with the following error message.


Configuration of the sap connection adapter is as follows:
Connection Type RFC connection
Package Name Omega_commun_connexion
Connection Properties
Connection Alias cnx_adapter_sap
User Name xxxx
Password ******
Repository User Name
Repository Password ******
Client 100
Language FR
Load Balancing Off
Application Server
System Number 02
Logon Group WM
Message Server Host
Message Server Service
System ID IT3
External RFC Server No
Program ID
Gateway Host
Gateway Service
Repository Server
SNC Enabled No
SNC Quality of Service Use global build-in default settings
SNC Name
SNC Partner Name
SNC Authentication User and Password
SAP Router String
Use SAPGui Off
RFC Trace Off
Log transaction status Off
Store message body Off
Connection Management Properties
Enable Connection Pooling true
Minimum Pool Size 0
Maximum Pool Size 10
Pool Increment Size 1
Block Timeout (msec) 1000
Expire Timeout (msec) 1000
Startup Retry Count 0
Startup Backoff Timeout (sec) 10

We have 4 SAP server, initially we had the load balancing on and the adapter will connect to any 4 servers. For testing purposes, we now have pointed it to one of the servers and it still fails when the batch is launched at night.

Version of adapter SAP : 10.1

The webservices were created on version 8.2. What does this error corresponds?

To me it is absolutely unclear what the issue is. Please add context and improve the formatting of the text to distinguish screen output from your own words.

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Hi Ketan,

Please add wM Version with SAP Adapter version and JCo lib version for better investigations.


Hello the forum has been modified, please check and help me resolve it

Hi @Ketan_Jibna ,

During night have you noticed if Package Name=Omega_commun_connexion or any other related Package being Reloaded automatically during the error duration?

No, if the package is being reloaded, will that be inserted in the logs ?

Hi @Ketan_Jibna

Yes in the ServerLog this info will be captured

Hi Ketan,

please provide the FixLevel for the SAP Adapter as well as the JCo Version of the SAP libraries.


Hello how can i verify the version of the SAP libraries installed ?

Description webMethods Adapter for SAP
Adapter Version
Updates SAP_10.1_Fix11
JCA Spec Version 1.0
Vendor Name Software AG
OS Version 4.18.0-477.27.1.el8_8.x86_64
Current User wmuser
Working Directory /opt/webMethods/10.7/IntegrationServer/instances/is55110
JCo Version 3.1.6 (2022-05-18)
JCo Middleware JavaRfc
JCo Middleware Version 2.10.1
JCo Native Library Version 753.1018
JCo Native Library Location /opt/webMethods/10.7/common/lib/
IDoc Library Version 3.1.2 (2022-01-26)

Hi Ketan,

in this I would like to ask you to update your JCo libs to the latest version.
Latest versions available on SAP Marketplace are JCo 3.1.10 (from June 2024) and JCo IDoc 3.1.3.
If you do not have an account on SAP Marketplace ask your SAP Partnersystem to download the required files for you.
