Derby db issue:Could not connect: No suitable driver

Hi all,
I am trying to connect to derby db from IS…wmdb package…while connecting it is showing no suitable drivers…

my configuration details:
1)i pasted derby client.jar and derby10.1.1.0 jar in C:\webMethods7\IntegrationServer\packages\WmDB\code\jars
2)i loaded org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver and org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
by using extended settings.and i am able to see these drivers in loaded drivers
3)url,username and password i gave correctly.

But i am not getting what is the exact problem…can any body help me to resolve this issuse.


please place the jars in C:\webMethods7\IntegrationServer\lib\jars

Hi Pilaire,

I checked with that also but still same problem…