Hi. I’m having trouble getting the delete() method in TaminoClient class to work. It doesn’t seem to matter which version of delete() I use; I always get an exception with error text of “HTTP error -1 null” and a response code of 8400.
I’ve looked through the documentation but have not found much of an explanation of 8400 errors… can any kind soul explain what this means?
By the way, using x-machine commands I can delete without problems, so I’m assuming the problem stems from the way I’m using the java API…
we had the same problem; it’s a bug in the communication of tamino and the apache web-server, but there is a workaround. you have to switch the keepalive tag in the httpd.conf of your apache to off.
quote:Originally posted by Terry Dye:
Originally posted by Martin Hirschbichler: Hi adam,
we had the same problem; it's a bug in the communication of tamino and the apache web-server, but there is a workaround. you have to switch the keepalive tag in the httpd.conf of your apache to off.
I have the taminoclient.jar from the for Windows distribution. I still have this problem with or without the keepalive tag in the httpd.conf. The strange thing is the consistency. One time the deletion may happen quickly, and the next takes 2 minutes. The deletion will happen...I just need patience, but I don't think a user would.
Someone asked for code snippets. It looks like the examples from the distribution, but I'll cut and paste:
TaminoClient tamino = new TaminoClient( TAMINO_URL ); tamino.setPageSize(1); tamino.startSession(); TaminoResult tr=tamino.query( "CATEGORY[id='" + objectid + "']" ); while( tr.hasMoreElements() ) { Element el = tr.getNextElement(); tamino.delete( el ); } tamino.commit( false ); tamino.endSession();
Perhaps the technicians from Software AG have a newer taminoclient.jar available [hint].
One thing that I’d recommend trying is having a pagesize greater than 1! Basically the pagesize is used to determine how many results are returned in one go - if all you are asking for is the id of an object then a pagesize of 1000/10000 may be more appropriate! This may improve performance slightly.