Custom soap faults in webMethods Web Service


I’m new to webMethods Web Services. Could you please let me know whether the following is possible or not with wm web services.

  1. Send custom SOAP fault(Faults other than those sent by Integration Server)
  2. How to deploy Web Service using ‘document style/literal encoding’

Thanks in advance,


  1. Yes, you will need something called a custom soap processor that will populate the soap-fault document type before creating the soapReponseData that gets sent back to the client. You populate the soap fault according to your requirements. []If you haven’t done so already, read the Soap Developer’s Guide and Web Services Developer’s Guide documents in the \Developer\doc\guides folder []Search here on WM Users for discussion forum entries on document/literal. [*]Check out a few of my blog entries on doc/lit and webMethods IS.

