We have situation, where we are planning to implement another outbound PIP for one of our customers, where are having some design problems and we are not sure if we are on the right track.
1) This is an one action PIP (outbound)
2) Mapping from Flat file, (Document list out of SAP) to a 4A5 PIP
We need your help to put us in the right direction.
Here are couple of ways we think of might work...
A)SAP - wM IS(Flat file) - Modeler - TN - Trading Partner
B)SAP - wM IS(Flat file) - TN - Modeler- Trading Partner
C) Any of your suggestions??
We don't have enough documentation on this, please help.
Thanks for your input, we will use Option A), I am wondering where/when will be the .RNO created?, does TN creates this or we need to create the RNO before we submit to TN.
Can you tell me where u struck in the flow?i dont have flow steps right now.
Basically you have to make use of WmIProot package core services for creating RNO and routing purposes.
Thanks for the response, basically we are confused with the bizdoc, we are not sure how we get that from the modeler, since its only subscribing to a published file.
Also not sure how we add the Header information ot the PIP. on the other hand we tried to use this service (wm.ip.rnif20.trp:trpPackage) and this strucks at creating the delivery header.
Basically you have to create outbound RNO document and publish this to TN using WMIPRoot cm,util folder predefined handler services (eg:wm.ip.cm: processDocument) this will route the PIP document to TN.
Yes for creating preamble,serviceheaders use the rnif20.trp package services,explore the RosettanNetUserguide for more information.