create JDBC Pools, at IS level, via sagcc 10.1

Hello everyone

The question is if we can create JDBC Pools using Command Central. I am assuming the answer is no, the JDBC pools are not listed in Command Central, you have to go to the Integration Server level and there you can edit / create them.

Just wanted to check, just in case I missed something and there is a way to create these.

Hi Andrei ,

We can create JDBC Pools using Command Central .
Please find the attached screen shot on how to create the JDBC pool using CCUI.
Click on Plus symbol which is present on right corner and select the DB and provide the remaining details.


ok, this is a bit confusing, I am talking about the JDBC Pools at IS level.

If you click on the Integration Server link, from Command Central, it takes you to the IS screen, there under Settings / JDBC Pools you can see the ones I am talking about.

They don’t seem to be the same, I have created a second one under SbRead for example and I am not seeing that under the Databases section from Comand Central.

Are we talking about the same thing?

The Functional Alias Definitions which are present under IS screen-> Settings / JDBC Pools the same Functional Alias Definitions can be seen Home >Instances >ALL> IS_default>Integration Server>Functional Aliases in CCE UI.

Similarly Pool Alias Definitions which are present under IS screen-> Settings / JDBC Pools the same Pool Alias Definitions can be seen Home >Instances >ALL> IS_default>Integration Server>Databases in CCE UI.

Also if we create Functional Alias Definitions or Pool Alias Definitions through IS Screen the same will be reflected in CCE UI and vice versa.

this is interesting cause this is not what I am seeing. JDBC Pools I created on the IS side are not visible on the CCE side.

this being said, I’ve just created one via CCE UI and I can definitely see it on the IS side as well. Maybe I need to restart IS and CCE when i create one on IS side

Try to refresh the Home >Instances >ALL> IS_default>Integration Server>Databases page and Functional Aliases page in CCE UI then it might get visible

Already did that, but no joy yet. Bit confusing. Also it doesn’t help that the values are called different things on each side.

IS side there is a “User Id”, CCE side there is a “User Name”.

Spy Attributes on IS side shows SpyAttributes=(log=(file)logs/spy/secondTest.log;logTN

on CCE side the same value is : SpyAttributes=(log=(file)logs/spy/secondTest.log;logTName=yes;timestamp=yes)