Convert SAP INVOIC Idoc to Edifact INVOIC D96A


I have the task to convert a SAP Idoc INVOIC to
EDIFACT INVOIC D96A in SAP Business Connector.
In the moment I have the SAP IDOC in the SBC.
Have anyone an example about the steps to do
the following in SBC ?

Thank’s in advance

Greetings from Basel / Switzerland


Hi Fritz,

I see your e-mail is a little old. What’s the status?


Hi Tim,

I didn’t get any response ! I also open a service
ticket (1-16212101)at webMethods with this question, but no reaction from the company !
Could you provide help in this question ?

greetings from switzerland,



I made a service that converts a SAP IDoc INVOIC01
to an INVOIC D93A (We send about 300 EDI invoices
every day.), I supose it’s similar.

I don’t have much experience in SBC (17 months )
and still I’m learning Java… but, may be,
I can guide your steps.

I got a Excel file with the map from ISA 810 to
INVOIC IDoc. It’s very similar to EDIFACT’s map.
Do you think it’s useful for you?

Greetings from Barcelona, Spain


Hi Sebastian,

thank you very much for your answer !

I think your file can be very useful to me.
Can you post it to my e-mail adress:

Thank’s in advance !

Greetings from Basel


Hi Fritz.

I’m new to this forum, but when I saw the title of this message I couldn’t resist reacting. It’s because I’ve been asked to realize the exact same scenario (INVOIC IDoc to EDIFact D96A). So I was very curious if you could at this point share any valuable experiences with me?

I have experience with using SAPBC, but so far not in combination with EDIFact.

Kind regards,

Hi ,

Do you have the EDI module/Package, If you do then one can use the EDI template and Record Structure for the INVOIC 96 A EDIFACT message. Do a map and Get an EDI file out of it.

Greetings From The USA
