Conversion of a field in the xml document.

I have data coming from XML this is mapped to an Publishable doc .The publishable doc contains date field due to which I am getting the below error.

[ISS.0098.9007] Data does not conform to the Publishable Document Type Canonical:XXXXXXMaster errors: INVALID
List of errors:
[0] pathName=/ITEM[0]/START_DATE_ACTIVE errorCode=VV-004 errorMessage=[ISC.0082.9033] Java type mismatch; expected java.util.Date, got java.lang.String

Is there a way to change the data type of incoming xml(from String to Date) and map it to publishable document directly without using an intermidiate document and transformers.

Thanks in Advance,

When mapping from the XML document to the publishable doc, you’ll need to use either a step or a transformer to parse the date string into a java.util.Date object. Map that object to the publishable doc field.

Map the XML document to other document, use step or a transformer to parse the xml data document then user the java service to convert the date(that is us string) to date object then map the document to the publishable doc field.