Connection Refused No futher information


Sorry, this is probably a simple question, but I have the following error:

Could not run the service ‘posttoPEL’. Connection refused: no further information

I am just running it through the developer in debug mode.

I am using webMethods integration server 4.6, and have a flow which includes a http service at the end which is to HTTP POST to an external business partner’s URL to post a XML document.

When I try to access the URL directly through Internet explorer, I get:

HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden
Internet Explorer

What I would like to know is what would cause this error. I would like to be able to explain to the business partner what they need to do to fix this. They also use webMethods.

I figure it is either:

  1. A firewall permission error at their end.
  2. a Webmothods access problem.

Can someone help me narrow down the problem?


Hi Jones
It seems to be a firewall problem. Just check the settings.

Ajay Arora

Hi Ajay,

Thanks for the reply. I have a HTML post webpage that I wrote using VBSCRIPT which can post the xml data quite successfully, from my computer, yet when I use my webMethods server installed on my local pc, I get the Connecton Refused error. Therefore I don;t think it is a firewall thing.

The portion of my web page that does the business is:

set req = createobject(“MSXML2.XMLHTTP”)
req.Open “POST”, uri, false
req.setRequestHeader “Content-Type”,“text/xml”
'Open File for sending
set fso = createobject(“Scripting.FileSystemObject”)
set file = fso.OpenTextFile(fname)
’ Send file
req.send file.ReadAll
’ Close file

Why would this work, but my HTTP post flow service from my SAP business connector server doesn’t?

The variables that I have populate in the HTTP service are:

URL = external url I am posting to
DATA->STRING = my xml file string
HEADERS->Content-type = text/xml

Further to my last email, I have set the log level up to 9 so I can get a better idea of the error. This is what happens when I execute the flow:

0000AB [B2BCORE.0039.0001] POST /wm-message
0000AC [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– User-Agent: webMethods
0000AD [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Accept: image/gif, /
0000AE [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Host: localhost:5555
0000AF [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjptYW5hZ2U=
0000B0 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Cookie: snid=67WumgA5xHwCAXoK+1+|ZW61OP4Q=5555-71
0000B1 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Content-Type: application/x-wmidatabin
0000B2 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Accept-Language: en_AU
0000B3 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Content-Length: 298
0000B4 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> HTTP/1.0 200 OK
0000B5 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
0000B6 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Connection: Close
0000B7 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Content-Length: 334
0000B8 [B2BCORE.0063.0001] Create ac1405b9fb997f6e000000a3
0000B9 [B2BCORE.0039.0001] POST /wm-message
0000BA [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– User-Agent: webMethods
0000BB [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Accept: image/gif, /
0000BC [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Host: localhost:5555
0000BD [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjptYW5hZ2U=
0000BE [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Cookie: ssnid=67WumgA5xHwCAXoK+1+|ZW61OP4Q=5555-71
0000BF [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Content-Type: application/x-wmidatabin
0000C0 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Accept-Language: en_AU
0000C1 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Content-Length: 270
0000C2 [B2BCORE.0049.0005] Invoke : index=1 depth=1
0000C3 [B2BCORE.0049.0005] Invoke : index=1 depth=1
0000C4 [B2BCORE.0049.0005] Invoke : index=1 depth=1
0000C5 [B2BCORE.0064.0015] Opening Socket [url=“”][/url]
Invoice (commented out manually)
0000C6 [B2BSERV.0048.9999] Connection refused: no further information
0000C7 [B2BSERV.0056.0003] Unable to send mail. Illegal address
0000C8 [B2BSERV.0048.9999] Connection refused: no further information
0000C9 [B2BSERV.0056.0003] Unable to send mail. Illegal address
0000CA [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> HTTP/1.0 403 Service Error
0000CB [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
0000CC [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Connection: Close
0000CD [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> Content-Length: 142447

Its difficult to see what request is initiating what service from your error log, but perhaps the ‘ Connection refused’ message is really related to a notification email your server is trying to send after making the post?

0000C1 [B2BCORE.0038.0002] <– Content-Length: 270

0000C6 [B2BSERV.0048.9999] Connection refused: no further information
0000C7 [B2BSERV.0056.0003] Unable to send mail. Illegal address

0000CA [B2BCORE.0038.0002] –> HTTP/1.0 403 Service Error

If so, under IS ‘Settings > Logging’ screen, you may have to update the ‘Email Notification’/ ‘SMTP Server’ setting.

Thanks for your help, I have just found out the problem. Our intranet has a proxy server that all http requests need to go through. My test business connector is not set up for it.

I needed to change the parameter to authenticate with the proxy server when sending any thing.

Your Email notification comment is quite valid as well though, I will set it up properly.

Thanks again,