Configuring a Fabric Server to Run in the Integration Server%92s Embedded Tomcat Instance


Fabric nodes, operating in peer-to-peer fashion, provide several key Fabric services as “system” web services. These services including the endpoint manager, log manager, node manager, rule manager, service manager and the distributed XML database can be viewed from the Fabric console by clicking on the “Show System Services” checkbox in the “List of Service” window.

While Fabric’s peer-to-peer architecture removes the requirement for Fabric nodes to run inside dedicated servers, good systems management practices will lead users to deploy Fabric’s server nodes inside the managed servlet containers of application servers or dedicated servlet containers such as Apache Tomcat, Mort Bay Jetty, Coucho Resin or Macromedia JRun.

Because an “embedded” version of Tomcat has been included in Integration Server since version 6.01 another option is to deploy the Fabric web application there. Fabric’s documentation provides information on the steps to follow to deploy Fabric inside IBM Websphere or BEA Weblogic. This “how-to” article will provide step-by-step instructions for creating a Fabric server node inside the Integration Server’s embedded Tomcat instance.

PDF version of article
Configuring a Fabric Server to Run in the Integration Server’s Tomcat Instance.pdf (92.3 k)


My article neglects to mention the excellent technical assistance that I received from the folks in webMethods Technical Services. Their help was instrumental in my getting this to work so quickly.



Manohar points out that I omitted a step that is necessary in order to turn off authentication for the Fabric console once the embedded server is running.

Comment out the security-constraint and login-config sections at the bottom of the <is_home>\web\conf\web.xml file.

Note: This change delegates security policy to each package’s web.xml file. Disabling security at both the server and package level is obviously not recommended for any environment beyond development.

Manohar also reports that some additional changes are necessary to get the embedded Fabric server to work in HP/UX environments.


The problem I faced was traced to FabricLicenceKey.I just deleted the old Key and imported the new Key file and everything worked fine.Mark’s instruction along with commenting security settings should be good to integrate Fabric with IS on any OS.

Additionally I modified the file to use different BroadCast port and write the XML’s to file system.Without this after restart of Fabric IS all the registered webservices will be lost.

Manohar Hiremagalore
EAI Architect
GITA Software Solutions