Configuration reset to default values

We had a major production outage few days ago after we restarted our IntegrationServer instances.
Apparently some settings were reset to their default values (such as the port being changed to 5555 and also the maximum number of threads for server thread pool being reste to 75 instead of the much higher value that we’re using in production)

Luckily for us we discoverd the changes and corrected thoses with the proper values but so far we still haven’t find the root cause.

If anyone has a clue it would help us a lot in our invesitgation.

Hi Sebastian,

when this happens this means, that IntegrationServer/instances/default/config directory got corrupted during outage causing the IS to create a fresh set of config files.

Unfortunately these files are backed up to config/backup directory after IS startup completes overwriting the previously backed up files from earlier startups which might have contained your adjusted values.
When startup of IS fails due to corrupted config files you can just copy the affected files back from config/backup to config directory and restart IS.

Only thing which might help here is to restore the files from a backup archive done by your operations team (if configured).
