Collaboration For Business Console 9.8 - Using Collaboration Cloud Controller (ACC)

Collaboration Cloud Controller (ACC) is a command line tool for starting, stopping, administering, and customizing Collaboration server components.  ACC is remotely connected to Collaboration Cloud Agent, which is running as a service. Collaboration Cloud Agent performs the operations requested through ACC commands.

Starting Collaboration Cloud Controller #

  1. To start ACC on a Windows system, click Start > All Programs > Software AG > Administration > Collaboration Cloud Controller 9.8.
  2. To start ACC on a Linux system, do the following:
    1. Run the <Software AG_directory>/ecp/server/acc/ file.
    2. Specify the following:
  • Machine on which the Cloud Agent is running (this will always be localhost) by using the “-h” command line option
  • Username (default: “Clous”) of the Cloud Aggent user by using the “-u” command line option.
  • Password (Default: “g3h31m”) of the Cloud Agent user by using the“-pwd” command line option. If you do not specify the password, ACC will prompt you for it.

For example, if you are using the default username and password, the command to start ACC on Linux would be:

<//installDir//>/ecp/server/acc/ -h localhost –u Clous –pwd g3h31m

Note: For security reasons, it is recommended that you change the password of the Cloud Agent user. For more information, see Changing the Default Remote Access Password of Cloud Agent.

Executing Basic ACC Commands #

help or help <//command//>

Returns information about the usage of ACC commands. 


Displays the status of all the executable components.

Example: ACC of a Collaboration installation.

ACC+ localhost>list

On node localhost 4 runnable is installed.

zoo : STARTED (com.ARIS.runnables.zookeeper-run-prod-98.0.0)

ecp : STOPPED (com.ARIS.runnables.ecp-run-prod-98.0.0)

elastic : STOPPED (com.ARIS.runnables.elasticsearch-run-prod-98.0.0)

umcadmin : STOPPED (com.ARIS.umcadmin.y-umcadmin-run-prod-98.0.0)

Components are listed with their instance ID (that is, “zoo”, “ecp”, “elastic” and “umcadmin”). The second column indicates the state of the component. Component state can be :

  • UNKNOWN - Component state is not yet known. This state is normally shown immediately after the Collaboration Cloud Agent service is re-started.
  • STOPPED - The component is currently not running.
  • STARTING - The component is starting, but the start operation is not complete yet.
  • STARTED - The component is running.
  • STOPPING - The component is stopping, but the stop operation is not complete yet.
  • DOWN - The component has crashed. The agent will attempt to automatically restart the component.
  • FAILED - Component has crashed. The agent has given up trying to restart the component, or automatic restart is disabled.

Starting and Stopping Collaboration Server Components #

You can start or stop Collaboration server components independently, but most components will not work on their own. You must start all the required components in the right order by using these commands in ACC.

Type the following commands in ACC.

  • To start all the components in the right order, type command:
  • To monitor the status of components, type command:
  • To start  a specific component, type command:
Start <//instanceId//>
  • To stop all components, type command:
  • To stop a specific compeonent, type command:
stop <//instanceId//>

Changing the Default Remote Access Password of Cloud Agent #

The administrative user of the Cloud Agent has full control over the installation. Therefore, it is recommended that you change the default password (g3h31m) to prevent unauthorized access.

Important: If you install a patch or update server, change the password back to the default (g3h31m) before starting the updated server.

  1. Start Collaboration Cloud Controller (ACC).
  2. To change the password, type command: set password = "<//new password//>"
  3. Restart the Cloud Agent.
  4. If you use the start Collaboration Cloud Controller using Start > All Programs > Software AG > Administration > Collaboration Cloud Controller 9.8, change the password command line parameter for the ACC shortcut.
    1. In the Cloud Controller Properties dialog, select the Shortcut tab.
    2. In the Taget field, edit the password.

Configuring SMTP Mail Server Connection #

This is an optional configuration. If you did not provide the SMTP server connection parameters while setting up the Collaboration server, you need to register your SMTP server manually.

  1.  Start Collaboration Cloud Controller (ACC).   2.  Type command:

register external service smtp host="//YourMailServerAdressWithDomain//" port=25
  3.  To check the setting, type command:
list external services
  4.  Set a sender's address by using this URL:
  5.  Select SMTP from the drop-down box to see all parameters of that section, double-click the following parameter and enter your mail server address:
  6.  To restart the server, type command:
  7.  When all components are stopped, type command:

SMTP mail server configuration is set.

Configuring Advanced Features Using ACC #

Warning: Using ACC commands will affect your system. If you do so without the services of Software AG, you require extensive knowledge of the system. According to the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement, we cannot guarantee proper functioning.

Collaboration Cloud Controller (ACC) can be used in three modes:

  • Interactive mode (default)

ACC runs with an interactive shell, allowing you to manually issue commands.

  • Batch mode

Activated by specifying a command file with the -f command line parameter. See [ACC Command Reference] . ACC will execute the commands in the file in the given sequence and exit after execution or if one of the commands fails.

A line starting with a # in the command file will be interpreted as a comment line and ignored by ACC.

  • Command mode

You can directly pass a single command to ACC as a command line parameter. The command will be executed and ACC will exit afterwards.

When passing commands directly as an ACC command line parameter, be careful while using escape strings in your command, such as the double-quote-delimited parameters. The operating system command shell will consume the double quotes. Use the escape character (\) for the quote characters.

If you issue the command in command mode, for example.:

set remote.repository.url="[[|]]"

You should enter:

acc.bat -h localhost -u <//remoteAccessPassword//> set remote.repository.url=\"[[\|\]]"

If you enter:

acc.bat -h localhost -u <//remoteAccessPassword//> set remote.repository.url="[[|]]"

ACC will return an error message:

line 1:52 mismatched character '<EOF>' expecting '\n'

Invalid or erroneous command "set remote.repository.url=[[|]] ": line 1:30 extraneous input ‘:’ expecting EOF

 Use “help” to display a list of available commands.

Connecting to ACC Nodes #

When starting ACC in one of the three usage modes without any additional command line parameter, by default ACC will not have any connection to any cloud node. There are three options to specify nodes you want to control with ACC:

  • You can use the add node command to put the individual cloud nodes under ACC's control.
  • You can list all your cloud nodes in a node file and pass this file to the ACC with the \-n (or --nodefile) command line option.
  • If you only want to connect to a single node and issue commands there, you can also use the ACC's -h (or --host) command line option to directly specify the host or IP name of the node you want to control with ACC.

See also #