Collaboration For Business Console 9.8 - Connecting Business Console to Collaboration

You need to change the server and port in the “business.console.ecp.url” property of Business Console.

To configure Collaboration in Business Console

  1. Change the CommentsSource user-preference value from "TASKENGINE"  to "ECP". Use the REST API:
POST : http://localhost:8585/rest/userpreferences/updatepreference

Content-Type : application/json

Payload : {

"preferenceName": "commentsSource",

"preferenceValue": "ECP"

  1. Edit these properties in the Software AG_directory\profiles\MWS_serverName\configuration\custom_wrapper.conf file.                       
  1. Add the additional Java parameters:
# Java Additional Parameters
  1. Edit the environment variables:
# Environment variables used

set.ECP_URL= <URL_of_Collaboration>


See also: