Change *INIT-USER variable over Natural WEB i/O

Natural v9.3 - Natural v9.3 Web I/O - Windows server 2022

We have a Natural program with Adabas DB without security. 6 char long username in DB - example JOSEPH. Every user can login who has authorization settings in DB.

We would to like to call our program over Web I/O with AD user - example JOE.JOSEPH. Web I/O call a simple .bat file (natrt.exe with parameters).
natrt.exe ulang=2 webio=on parm=S…

In this case we have to change USER parameter (*INIT-USER Natural Gloal Variable). JOE.JOSEPH > JOSEPH

How can we do that? How can we use NATUEX1 (register 15 1)? Can be any solution called from batch script?

Thank a lot!

I understand what Gergo is asking, and I am sure he has only the best intentions, but I hope only workarounds are offered, rather than a method to change *INIT-USER.

It would be a terrible idea to discuss a technique that could thwart application security, allowing a devious person to abuse an application while posing as another user.

I understand you also.
I’m looking for way to solve that AD user could be able to login to DB where the maximum character size for user is 6. How easy would be the DB user name changing with a script.

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