Certificate problem Authentication Failed


I’ve recently installed IS 6.1, and am now trying to test EDI with a customer. I’ve loaded my customers certificates in TN and verified that they’re in ISADMIN Certificates. I used the Certificate Toolkit to generate a pvt key and csr request for which I gave to my network guy to create a certificate. I received the cert from him and sent it over to my customer and now they’re having problems loading the EDI document because they’re getting an error message indicating that their software is unable to build the certificate path. They’re using Cyclone. This is the exact message I’m receiving from the MDN:

MDN Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-automatically; processed/error: authentication-failed

I’m totally green to this and would appreciate any guidance.


The error message that you got from your customer stating that authentication failed is probably becasue your certificate is not setup/trusuted on your partner side.
You may want to provide your customer with the Root/CA certificate/certificates (if more than one the certificate in the path) that signed your certificate. This root certificate/certificates would need to be added to the trusted certificates storage within your customer’s cyclone setup. Your network person that signed your CSR should be able to provide you the Root/CA certificates.


Thank you Tahira,

I’m all set with this.