Cannot deploy application DVD

With XAplliactions I genereted a little Apllication. Which is working fine with Apache 1.3.23, Tomcat 3.3a and Tamino 3113.

Now I changed to Tomcat 402. And I’m having problems to access my Aplication.

In http.conf I did the following:

#Anbindung an tomcat 4
Direkt hinter den kommentierten LoadModules der ausgelieferten http.CONF
LoadModule webapp_module modules/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
#Anbindung an tomcat 4

# und gegen Ende
#Anbindung an tomcat 4

ServerName STUSKAE
ErrorLog logs/skae_e.log
CustomLog logs/skae_c.log common
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
WebAppDeploy DVD warpConnection /DVD/
WebAppDeploy Messages warpConnection /Messages/

And in %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\server.xml I configured the entry for the warp connector:

Accessing the tomcat 4 demo webapp, which resides in the file system works find.

Has someone any experience with tomcat 4 and can give me some configuration hints??

best regards


when receiving your email I tried to reproduce your problem. Therefore, I installed Tamoat 4.0.2 on my machine. I followed the description of the instructions of the RUNNING.txt file, that means I set the environment variable %CATALINA%. I didn?t change any configuration file.

Then I copied an application that I had generated with X-Application before into the webapps directory of the Tomcat tree. After starting Tomcat I had no problems when accessing the application with


My second trial was to run the simple examples of X-Application with Tomcat 4.0.2. Even if I change the server.xml file by adding the following context, I had no problems with Tomcat

How did you access your application,
(1) via Tomcat with http://localhost:8080/yourApplication/…jsp or
(2) did you try to plug-in Tomcat to your Apache server for accessing your application via standard web-server (http://localhost/yourApplication) ?

Option (1) should work. For option (2) I have no experience, but I could ask my colleagues if they can assist you.



thanks for the question (and answer).

I will move this topic to the Assistance Forum. in the next days. That forum is intended to be used for such kind of questions and assistance.

Regards, Harald

Hallo Stefan,

ich habe ein Problem mit ManagedConnectionPools.xml und Tomcat 3.3.a. Tomcat findet das File nicht, obwohl es im WEB-INF/lib Verzeichnis liegt und somit im Classpath ist. Verwendest Du das File auch oder wie hast du die Connection Frage gelöst?


Originally posted by skaemmerer:
With XAplliactions I genereted a little Apllication. Which is working fine with Apache 1.3.23, Tomcat 3.3a and Tamino 3113.

Now I changed to Tomcat 402. And I’m having problems to access my Aplication.

In http.conf I did the following:

#Anbindung an tomcat 4
Direkt hinter den kommentierten LoadModules der ausgelieferten http.CONF
LoadModule webapp_module modules/
AddModule mod_webapp.c
#Anbindung an tomcat 4

# und gegen Ende
#Anbindung an tomcat 4

ServerName STUSKAE
ErrorLog logs/skae_e.log
CustomLog logs/skae_c.log common
WebAppConnection warpConnection warp localhost:8008
WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection /examples/
WebAppDeploy DVD warpConnection /DVD/
WebAppDeploy Messages warpConnection /Messages/

And in %CATALINA_HOME%\conf\server.xml I configured the entry for the warp connector:

Accessing the tomcat 4 demo webapp, which resides in the file system works find.

Has someone any experience with tomcat 4 and can give me some configuration hints??

best regards