With XAplliactions I genereted a little Apllication. Which is working fine with Apache 1.3.23, Tomcat 3.3a and Tamino 3113.
Now I changed to Tomcat 402. And I’m having problems to access my Aplication.
In http.conf I did the following: --------------------------------- … #Anbindung an tomcat 4 Direkt hinter den kommentierten LoadModules der ausgelieferten http.CONF LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so AddModule mod_webapp.c #Anbindung an tomcat 4 … # und gegen Ende #Anbindung an tomcat 4
when receiving your email I tried to reproduce your problem. Therefore, I installed Tamoat 4.0.2 on my machine. I followed the description of the instructions of the RUNNING.txt file, that means I set the environment variable %CATALINA%. I didn?t change any configuration file.
Then I copied an application that I had generated with X-Application before into the webapps directory of the Tomcat tree. After starting Tomcat I had no problems when accessing the application with
My second trial was to run the simple examples of X-Application with Tomcat 4.0.2. Even if I change the server.xml file by adding the following context, I had no problems with Tomcat
ich habe ein Problem mit ManagedConnectionPools.xml und Tomcat 3.3.a. Tomcat findet das File nicht, obwohl es im WEB-INF/lib Verzeichnis liegt und somit im Classpath ist. Verwendest Du das File auch oder wie hast du die Connection Frage gelöst?
quote:Originally posted by skaemmerer: With XAplliactions I genereted a little Apllication. Which is working fine with Apache 1.3.23, Tomcat 3.3a and Tamino 3113.
Now I changed to Tomcat 402. And I’m having problems to access my Aplication.
In http.conf I did the following: --------------------------------- … #Anbindung an tomcat 4 Direkt hinter den kommentierten LoadModules der ausgelieferten http.CONF LoadModule webapp_module modules/mod_webapp.so AddModule mod_webapp.c #Anbindung an tomcat 4 … # und gegen Ende #Anbindung an tomcat 4