Hi guys … I want to create a document reference list instance inside a Java service that I’m writing …
That is to say, Software AG has a package named WmTaskClient, within which there’s a document type named ‘TaskSearchQueryTerm’ … I want to create an instance of this document type inside a Java service … And then I want to return this as a Document Reference Type …
Yes. You’d create an array of IData objects. Review the API documentation for the IData* classes.
You can use Developer to create the Java service skeleton. Define an output parameter for the service, referencing the TaskSearchQueryTerm document type. Save the service (empty body). Then select Tools | Generate Code. This will create Java code in the clipboard. Paste it to the service body. Edit the code to create the query terms. Be sure to make the array large enough and call IDataFactory.create to create an object in each array position.