Call custom Java function from the SetValue


I’m asking me, if it would be possible to use a Java function, directly from the Pipeline, inside a Transformer (from the “Service In” section) ?

Examples :

1/ in the setValue window of an input of a transformer, I would like to write :

2/ In the setValue of the message of a pub.flow:debugLog, if would like to add :
String.format(“My values are : %s and %s”, %myParam1%, %myParam2%)

3/ In the setValue of the message of a pub.flow:debugLog, if would like to add :
"My date is " + getCurrentDateString()

The 2 is probably a bad example, because of the “%” using inside the format function…

For using java function I do not feel confortable, to always have to drag Java service in the Pipeline or the Tree View for doing a little task…


Out of the box its not supported.

Thanks… maybe for a next version… :wink: