I am new to webMethods development and I have a question that is bugging me for some time. When an error appears on the page due to a webMethods provided validator the error appears both bellow the problematic field and also if trying to go elsewhere, let’s say clicking on a command button the error will appear in a blue modal window which is kind of annoying. Is there any way to prevent the modal window to appear. The users see the same error in 2 different ways and can get confused.
I think you have placed your text control inside a property line.
The validation message generally appears below the control whenever the control is placed inside a property line.
Please use static rows and static cells for formatting the page.
You can override that function if you want to suppress the popup dialog for specific forms.
For example, you could put something like this in a script block control for your portlet:
if (!window.customFormValidationErrorHandler) {
var originalFn = CAF.ErrorHandler.handleFormValidationError;
window.customFormValidationErrorHandler = function(forms, msg) {
var formId = '#{caf:cid("defaultForm")}'; //the id of the form to suppress the popup for
if (forms && forms.indexOf(formId) != -1) {
//suppress the popup for this form
} else {
//fallback to the original handler for other forms
originalFn(forms, msg);
//swap out the function with our custom one.
CAF.ErrorHandler.handleFormValidationError = window.customFormValidationErrorHandler;