What product/components do you use and which version/fix level are you on?
Backend: 1015.0.218
UI: 1015.0.218
Is your question related to the free trial, or to a production (customer) instance?
What are you trying to achieve? Please describe it in detail.
To register our devices we POST the CSV file to devicecontrol/bulkNewDeviceRequests
On tenants with 1013 there is no problem. On tenants with 1015 this does not work anymore for LWM2M devices.
The POST returns no error, but all LWM2M-Bootstrap-Parameter in the UI are empty and this error is shown:
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
There is no error returned by the API on devicecontrol/bulkNewDeviceRequests.
When uploading the file through the UI for LWM2M bulk registration a internal Server error is returned with the message “Unsupported file format”
Have you installed all the latest fixes for the products and systems you are using?
The documentation to 1013 states something different: https://cumulocity.com/guides/10.13.0/protocol-integration/lwm2m/#register-device
To register a LWM2M device in Cumulocity IoT, upload a CSV file with registration data in the bulk registration dialog in Devices > Registration > Register device > Bulk device registration
I changed the TYPE heading to type and it still gives me an error. I will check the other headings.
As we are registering thousands of devices each year, this is not a suitable solution. Is there documentation on the endpoint that is used by this functionality?
So the changes to bulkNewDeviceRequests in 10.15 for uploading the csv are breaking the established functionality.
How can we register LWM2M devices using the API on 10.15?
It has all changed at 10.5, the most convenient way to bulk register lwm2m devices from csv is in the UI
Do you see the option I sent in the previous screenshot?
That option ultimately uses this endpoint…
…but this is not an officially supported REST API call.
I see the option in the screenshot, but as stated earlier, this is not a feasible option for hundreds or thousands of devices that get potentially onboarded each on a different tenant. We cannot use the UI for this, as we have automated the onboarding process to use the API. This is part of our production pipeline, where no user is able to enter anything in the UI and the device is only powered for the duration of the onboarding.