I am using webMethods 4.6 Integration Server. I am testing invalid XML
scenario. Input data is something like below.
<name (with no closing end tag)
Service(documentToRecord) input is node, first step in my flow service is documentToRecord. I am running this service using send xml file from Test menu. The service is not raising any error(invalid xml) and sucessfully converting into a record format. Did any of you face this issue.
I have tested the same file and it worked but if you remove the end tag of Name element then it will fail, for example
according to the test looks like that documentToRecor service only check the starting and end tag but not the <> opening and closing brackets. So It is a BUG.
Your XML is not being recognized as XML. That is the problem. Change the first tag from
to <?xml?> or <?xml> and you will start seeing the error.
This is because if you give non-XML input to xmlStringToNode (or stringToDocument) it treats it like a regualr string variable and creates a node with one body element. It never uses an XML parser to parse it.
Your XML is not being recognized as XML. That is the problem. Change the first tag from
to <?xml?> and you will start seeing the error.
This is because if you give non-XML input to xmlStringToNode (or stringToDocument) it treats it like a regualr string variable and creates a node with one body element. It never uses an XML parser to parse it.
sorry,wmusers website itself is not showing the (?)at the end if you specify space and (give ?)at the end of <?xml>,
This might be some kind of trimming the messages or parsing behind.
So,its not a problem with (? at the end)ignore my earlier messages,and ravi typo…
sorry,wmusers website itself is not showing the (?)at the end if you specify space and (give ?)at the end of <?xml> and If its having space then while seeing preview of our message its not showing up,and accepts if not space like <?xml?>,
This might be some kind of trimming the messages or parsing behind.
So,its not a problem with (? at the end)ignore my earlier messages,and ravi typo…
But I have tested the input and it does give an error if you remove the closing “>” in the name tag. It does not give an error if the <?xml?> tag is invalid.
What version of IS are you using ? I tested it in 6.0.1 ?