Hello All,
I have got multiple queries.
1:how can we increase broker virtual memory in order to avoid ran out of memory.
2:how can we check borker version (using WM Broker Admin or from borker installed unix box)
3:where we can find exact borker log(on unix box)
Many thanks in advance .
Thanks for your responce.
I need more information .
I believe If we open WM Borker administrator ->top right corner “about” button tells broker administration package version details,but i am looking for broker version.
is broker admin and broker versions are same?
Somebody correct me if i am wrong.
Boker uses RAM to process the submissions.
is it broker RAM =Broker Virtul memory shown in the broker admin page.
how can we increase broker memory to reduce broker ran out of memroy or any other solution to reduce the broker ran out of memory.
Version:6.5 broker.
Many thanks in advance,
HI Vasanth,
From broker version 6.5.2 onwards, you have an option to use the “max‐memory‐size” parameter (in awbroker.cfg) to prevent Broker Server from receiving further documents than it has the physical memory to store. When the memory limit is reached, the Broker Server stops accepting documents.
You can refer to the documentation of webMethods Broker Administrator Guide under section of Broker Server Memory from EMPOWER site for further details.
William Choong