Block a JDBC connection to a DB from few servers

Hi Guys,

Is it possible to block a JDBC connection to a specific DB from few integration servers.
by adding some exception any where in IS settings.

Sandeep Deepala

Can you be more clear please? Did you mean binding jdbc connection to a specific db?

I want to block/not to allow a Database connect to a sepcfic webMethods server using a JDBC connection.

Something like blocking a Production database ( IP/Host is available) connecting to webMethods Qa or Dev server.

Is it possible to add something like this “watt.server.Block.IP=”


Hi Sandeep,
This can be easily implemented at network level. Please contact your network/firewall team.

Firewall rules can be configured so that DEV DB can be accessible only from DEV application servers & PROD DB from PROD application servers, etc.



Looking for any other option which we can easily switch off and on, rather than involving network team every time.