Axis2 cannot find services located at axis2.repository.path under v9.6


This worked under v8.2 but now under v9.6 this isn’t working anymore. The WSSTACK for EntireX uses Apache Axis2, and the web.xml file includes startup parameters to override defaults. One such parameter is axis2.repository.path which, if uncommented, will tell Axis2 where to find the services (*.aar files).

We have the following settings at the top of web.xml:

      <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>
      <servlet-class> com.softwareag.wsstack.deployment.server.SAGAdminServlet </servlet-class>

The *.aar files are in /opt/tomcat/wsstack/user_projects/shared/repository/services as I can confirm by logging into the RHLE server where WSStack is running under Tomcat. Version of WSStack is, but this worked under 8.2.2.

Can anyone figure out what my problem is?

Note: it doesn’t show up on here this way, but there is an underscore in the user_projects part of the path for despite the fact it doesn’t appear so here.



To follow up with additional information, the services I upload go into WEB-INF/services as one would expect and which is where the WSStack is pulling these from. Additionally, if I use the WSStack admin panel to upload services, they get put into WEB-INF/services but are listed as invalid even though these are identical aar files to what was working under a WSStack 8.2 deployment.

I will open another thread on the issue that started me on the upgrade path, as one option I have is to back out 9.6 and go back to 8.2 and deal with that problem.

I opened an SR with SAG on this but sometimes the community is faster with a direct answer.

The simple explanation for this situation is that you did not deploy the new entirex.jar to your Tomcat. Please check.

Hi Rolf,

Thanks for your response. I will redeploy wsstack.war with the entirex.jar file included in that library and will try again. Support came back with the same recommendation.

I will update as to whether the issue is resolved, but this explanation makes sense and I have a high degree of confidence this was the issue.



Deploying wsstack.war with entirex.jar included does fix the issue with services uploaded through the admin panel not being recognized as valid.

I still have the issue with axis2.repository.path not recognizing the value specified, though.


      <display-name>Apache-Axis Servlet</display-name>  
      <servlet-class> com.softwareag.wsstack.deployment.server.SAGAdminServlet </servlet-class>  

OMG you have great eyes, Rolf! Uncommenting out the start & end tags is precisely what I missed on this. I looked back at the 8.2 version of the web.xml tags and they were uncommented on that one, but I failed to catch that with the 9.6 version.

I am checking the updated wsstack.war into ClearCase now and will deploy and follow up with the update whether I am good to go now.

Thanks much!


It worked!!! It’s now looking at the referenced location in axis2.repository.path!!!

Thanks for your help, Rolf!