auto stop/shutdown of database(s) on windows shutdown

Is it possible to automatically shutdown a Tamino database when Windows is shut down?

I?m running Tamino under windows 2000 server SP 2.

The reason I?m looking for a solution is, that it?s impossible to start a database again if I have made a shutdown of our server without stopping the Tamino database first.

Many regards from

Ole Engele Nielsen
Consultant at InterResearch

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Phone: +45 36 14 80 34 - Mobile: +45 20 10 21 74 - Fax: +45 36 14 80 20
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You can use the program “argbatch”, which is in /common files/softwareag, for administrate Tamino. This is a Taminino Manager in command-line mode.

You can create a .bat file which stop Tamino databases using calls to argbatch.

The next step is programing Windows for call this .bat file when is closed.


Use Software AG System Management Hub, expand the database you want to control and then there is a icon called properties.
Expand the icon properties and then cick icon called properties.
In the left-down fram, clcik “Modify” button.
Then, change “autostart” to yes, which mean database always gets starting automatically while server starting.


on windows shutdown, Tamino does an emergency shutdown. When you setup autostart like claire described don’t worry about messages in Tamino logs that say “auto-repair started” and anything like that. The automatic repair facility usually*) gets Tamino up and running again.

Doing a normal shutdown: Here Tamino will wait for all user transactions to be committed or rollbacked, it will not abort any open transaction. So, when using argbatch, try persuading Windows to wait for Tamino.

*) Usually: After emergency shutdown. Unusually, if anything else (hard disk, controller, mainboard) has gone awry.

Best regards,
