We are facing issue while renaming webMethods server host name in AuditConfig.xml file in our unix OS system at file level
When ever we tried to modify AuditConfig.xml via manually at back end file system and then restart IS
teh old server host name is roll back in file AuditConfig.xml.
Did any one face this issue before or know any fix for same ?
Mr, 173d,
Thanks for your comments. As mentioned earlier in the thread "3. Edited the etc/hosts file to add the hostname as an alias for localhost. " I have already informed the user to have a look at the hosts file (not sure if you had looked at it first)
I am just trying to understand what other files would include to fix the current issue. If you are aware of the other files kindly share it will be helpful to me and of-course others.
Adding WM host name happen at OS level not at WM console/file system.
In my case we have AIX unix box where several IS are running so the OS box where these IS are running at OS level Unix admin team added WM host name which resolved my issue.
I m not sure which file or location unix team is updated
Thanks Vinay for your response. But for confirmation you can send a mail to Unix team asking is the only change to hosts file resolved the issue or any other files updates ?