Attachments with the SagMailGateway

Hi There–

Down the line, someone has already has posted a similar problem.

I would like to send Non-XML files as attachments, to multiple mail-ids using SagMailGateway in Mediator I have tested the SagMailGateway, but it could only send the processed XML document as a mail. Also, the ‘xbd.outbound.attachment’ property doesnt’ seems to work. I couldnt’ send any external file as an attachment to the mail. The below is sequence document snippet that is used to send the mail.

<step component=“SagMailGateway”“
xbd.mail.subject=“A Test mail using SagMailGateway”

I am using Mediator V 7.1.1 patch 3. In the newer versions any updatations have been made regading the attachments.

Thanks and Regards,
Ravi Chamarthy.