Async table with data prev/next


We have an aysnc table populated by a content provider in a modal dialog. When I set the table to show all rows I can see my 15 rows of data no problems, but on inserting a data prev/next control and setting the number of rows to display to 10 I can see the first 10 no problems but on clicking the “next” control no data is shown and the information on the next/prev control says “15 - 10 of 10+”. It previously stated “1 - 10 of 15”.

I’ve tried to search for information on using this control but cannot find anything so any help is welcome
I’m using webMethods 7.1.3



Insert Pev/Next inside table header …check it if it works or not…

Hi vyshnav

Tried that but got the same response as when it was in the footer.

Must be something else I’m missing but I cannot find documentation on this anywhere




Sorry our fault - we were resetting the information in the afterRenderResponse() which we just spotted
Now works fine
