Hi Everyone,
Has anyone seen these two errors?
I am using wM version 6.0.1 AS400 Adapter version 1.0 (Description RPG/JDBC Connection )
“Adapter Runtime (Connection): The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request.”
“RPGCall execution failed. Connection was dropped unexpectedly.”
I am processing the edi data batch-wise. I see this error while trying to call AS400 adapter service which is used to execute a command program in AS400. But when the service runs again for the next batch there will be a connection available and the adapter service will be executed.
Do you know why the pool does not have a connection available sometimes and why the connection is getting dropped unexpectedly?.
Here is the adapter connection management properties.
Enable Connection Pooling true
Minimum Pool Size 1
Maximum Pool Size 30
Pool Increment Size 1
Block Timeout (msec) 1000
Expire Timeout (msec) 1000