Hi Guys,
These are the errors i got.
The pool doesn’t have a connection available for the request. and Unable to run adapter service. Error occured when connecting to resource.(I have seen a thread which shows thesame issue and the resolution is setting th emin pool size to 1)
and the service is run sucessfully the next time.
These are the connection properties:
min pool size:0
max pool size:30(used to be 10 i increased to 30 still i got the same error)
block time(msec)=1000
1)Is there any way we can find out how many JDBC Adapter connections are active in webMethods at that particular instance.
- by reloading the package or disabling/enabling the connection,are all the active connections closed.
P.S:I have posted this thread as an extension to the thread which ri=uns on the same issue.