ApplinX Angular Web Emulation


ApplinX Angular Web Emulation is an open-source solution designed to transform legacy systems, commonly known as ‘green screens’, into modern web applications. With this tool, you can generate instant web apps or design composite applications using your preferred development environment and front-end technology.

The ApplinX Angular Web Emulation project facilitates the modernization of legacy systems through an instant transformation of host screens into HTML pages. The transformation process starts with a basic web configuration and default wizard-based transformations to enhance the application’s aesthetics. It allows you to design a customized template featuring the company logo, side and top images, and personalized style sheets with various fonts and colors. You can progressively customize the application, integrating data from multiple core systems into a single web page and interfacing legacy assets at screen, transaction, and data levels.

This project serves as a blueprint for customer implementation and uses ApplinX built-in REST APIs for communication with the ApplinX server, which then interacts with the legacy host. It is implemented in Angular, providing you with versatile references for implementation in any front-end technology of your choice.

Key Features

Instant Web Emulation

Transforms host screens into HTML pages to enhance the user experience. You can start with simple configurations and gradually customize them according to your needs.


Provides basic session setting configurations.

Application Lifecycle Events

Offers various user exits that allow interaction with the web application at different lifecycle stages.

Generated Pages

Enables visual enhancements and customization of Angular pages when the Instant Web Application’s simple changes do not suffice.

Keyboard Mappings

Allows mapping of page-specific actions to keyboard keys or a combination of keys.


Features pretty-print and server-side logging.

Installation and Configuration

To use the ApplinX Angular Web Emulation, you need NodeJS and NPM installed on your system. An Angular CLI is also required. The web application communicates with the legacy host through the ApplinX REST API. You may need to configure the REST API base URL in the project files.

After installing the necessary packages via NPM, you need to compile the web application. The final application can be found in the dist directory and can be deployed to a Web Server.

A configuration file is included in the web application under the path <projectDir>/src/assets/config/sessionConfig.json. The application name, connection pool, logger, and session options are all contained in this file along with essential configurations.

Application Lifecycle Events and User Exits

Application Lifecycle Events, also known as User Exits, are events called by the ApplinX framework building blocks. They inform you when a given process has occurred and allow you to capture it and respond with custom code. These include events before and after connecting a session, getting a host screen, updating a host screen, and disconnecting a session.

You can also add your own User Exits code to each generated page by uncommenting the User Exits code according to the code snippets in the generated page component.

Feedback and Ideas

  • If you find any bug, please raise an issue directly in the GitHub repository.
  • Please, feel free to share feedback and ideas by posting a reply here.
  • Want to help us improve the code? Check out our GitHub contributing repository first.

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