Application Migration from 8.6 to 9.6

Dear Friends,

We wish to know if we can upgrade WM application from 8.6 to 9.6. If So , what would be approx. time frame to Upgrade the Application ( Standard) ?

Hi Deelip,

You mean webMethods 8.6 Version or 8.2 version?


Hi Manoj,
Thanks for quick response.

Yes , Webmethod 8.6 to 9.6

Hi Deelip,

according to Supported_Upgrade_Paths_for_Software_AG_Products.pdf migration from 8.2 to 9.6 is possible by side-by-side .

But if possible you should consider migration to 9.8 instead as this will ease the next migration steps to newer versions like 9.12 or 10.x (latest is currently 10.3).

Please check for the Upgrade Guide for the target release for details about migration.

Please note that Broker is last version 9.6 and will be replaced by UM soon.
Please note the differing path names for IntegrationServer as well as the new table names for ProcessEngine, ProcessAuditing since wM 9.6.
IntegrationServer is now able to handle multiple instances hosted from one installation directory. Therefore the pathes for the instances now contain an additional “instances/default” fragment.
See Monitor Guide for the changed tablenames.
