I would like to verify JWT tokens on the API Gateway that are issued by an external authorization server. What I find that because the API Gateway time server is slightly out of sync with the external authorization server, sometimes the token nbf is rejected. If I make a second API request with the same token, the JWT instance is verified.
Is there a way to configure the API Gateway to be more “tolerant” to the nbf and exp fields in the JWT token? I would like say a minute of tolerance either way.
Much appreciated if there are any suggestions.
Yunus Aswat.
What product/components do you use and which version/fix level?
API Gateway 10.7
Do you get any error messages? Please provide a full error message screenshot and log file.
2022-03-24 09:34:53 CET [YAI.0003.8887D] (tid=388) [default][BEDEVESBAPI11][APIGW:][POL:evaluatePolicy]I—> Debug: Not before validation failed
Have you installed latest fixes for the products