API Gateway 10.15 Tracing

Hi Experts,

I would like to know if there is any option in the API Gateway version 10.15 to view all the APIs in a single place/view for which the tracer is enabled.



You can use the following REST call to query the list of APIs for which tracing is enabled.

POST http://localhost:5555/rest/apigateway/search

“types”: [
“scope”: [
“attributeName”: “tracingEnabled”,
“keyword”: “true”
“responseFields”: [

Hi Arun,

Thank you for posting the solution.
I’ve tried invoking the API with the required changes and received the expected response. It worked :slight_smile:
But a bit concerned about “tracingEnabled”: false value in the response. It is supposed to return true, but returning ‘false’ for the tracing-enabled APIs.Please clarify.

“API”: [
“apiName”: “snjfn”,
“isActive”: true,
“type”: “REST”,
“policies”: ,
“tracingEnabled”: false,
“publishedPortals”: ,
“systemVersion”: 1,
“gatewayEndpoints”: {},
“id”: “janfg”
“apiName”: “ajnfgja”,
“isActive”: true,
“type”: “SOAP”,
“policies”: ,
“tracingEnabled”: false,
“publishedPortals”: ,
“systemVersion”: 1,
“gatewayEndpoints”: {},
“id”: “kfngjaf”

Try this curl + jq command (in a Linux / macOS environment where curl and jq are installed):

curl --location --request GET "${APIGW_URL}/rest/apigateway/apis" \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
-u ${APIGW_USERNAME}:${APIGW_PASSWORD} | jq '.apiResponse[] | select(.api.tracingEnabled == true)'

Hi Stephane,

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my query.
I’ll try your solution and update my response on this thread.
