modifying the xml string directly can teadious depending on the complexity of the message.
On the other side the mentioned string operations are very cost-intensive regarding their runtime.
I prefer one of the approaches Naga has suggested.
will it be possible to use e.g. service “pub.xml:xmlNodeToDocument” and still preserve all document type elements
although they are not present in the source xml ? Normally they are elimnated from pipeline if empty.
I ask why i need the (even) empty values (here CONTROLLER) for calling webservice later on.
Can this be done by XSLT ? Is there any sample for doing so ?
Can you provide us the version of Designer and the applied ESB-Fix (for the ServiceDevelopment Part)?
The referenced DocTypes (DocType names) are not part of the xml message itself but of the flow service implementation. So they should not get lost.
More likely this is just a displaying issue.
I guess, there is no feature to generate these null tags using xmlNodeToDocument service.
However, this can be done, using the documentToXMLString service by setting generateRequiredTags to true.
And I guess, this will generate only the null fields if they are mandatory. But it won’t generate if they are optional.
and for optional fields, i believe, there won’t be any issue in Webservice invocations with this approach, as they are anyway optional fields.
so, convert the run time xmlString (won’t consists of all nodes) ->xmlNode->xmlDocument (consists of all nodes at design time, won’t present at run time ) ->xmlString (with above option, generates missing tags)