We are planning to migrate our ADABAS/Natural application from z/OS to Sun Unix. Can ADABAS write multiple copies of PLOGs on different servers? Our disaster recovery is in another state and we would like to automatically have our backups and logs written to the recovery site. It seems the ADABCK DUAL command will take care of the saves with out a problem.

For backups you can use the ADABCK DUAL parameter. For creating PLOGs a DUAL option is not available. You can perform a PLOG switch with ADAOPR FEOF, e.g. every 10 minutes, and then copy the finished PLOG extents to your recovery site. Disadvantage of this solution is that updates performed after the last PLOG copy can be lost after a disaster. If this is acceptable for you this solution has the advantage that you can directly apply the changes to a copy of the database after you have copied the PLOG; and therefore you have only a short downtime after a disaster - but some updates may be lost.
Another solution could be considering modern storage systems that allow you mirroring files to a remote location.


That’s interesting! I also thought about starting a new PLOG every 10 Minutes. At our Company, we are doing that automatically with UNIX-Scripts for replication purposes.
But I also think that you can’t call this solution “really failsave”. Maybe it’s best to do use some kind of “soft mirroring”. But I don’t know If you can do that with Sun/Solaris on-board tools.