

I am using oracle 12c as database and webMethods10.3
Now I am trying to connect with JDBC Adapter from webMethods,
Intially i have added ojdbc6.jar and restarted server

Now in JDBC Adapter page.I have given following parameters.Please find attached confirm image and error image.Please some let me know with reason?


Error encountered
[ART.118.5042] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to enable connection resource TestDb:MasterDb.
[ART.118.5063] Adapter Runtime (Connection): Unable to start connection TestDb:MasterDb: after 1 attempt(s).
[ADA.1.200] The JDBC DataSource class “oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource” cannot be located.


Connection Properties
DataSource Class oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource
Server Name localhost
User WM103
Password ******
Database Name orcl
Port Number 1521
Network Protocol
Other Properties driverType=thin
Connection Management Properties
Enable Connection Pooling true
Minimum Pool Size 0
Maximum Pool Size 100
Pool Increment Size 1
Block Timeout (msec) 1000
Expire Timeout (msec) 1000
Startup Retry Count 0
Startup Backoff Timeout (sec) 10

Try to check at error.log and select the option “expand stack trace” to see the details error stack.

As a rule of thumb for new server provision, do the following:

  1. Update Adapter runtime to the latest available version(WmART)
  2. Update JDBC adapter to the latest available version(WmJDBCAdapter)
  3. Use the suitable JDBC driver for the JVM version, in this case ojdbc7.jar(IS running on JDK8)
  4. Check Oracle listener and connection to the Oracle DB. SQLPlus, tnsping and lsnrctl are your best friend.

Hope this helps.


please check the lcoation where you placed the jar.
It should be under IntegrationServer/instances//packages/WmJDBCAdapter/code/jars.
Reload the WmJDBCAdapter package afterwards.

For WM 10.3 you should use an ojdbc8.jar for version 12 or 18 (this one is backward comaptible) available from Oracle for free.
