But when insert/update an object instance to fire the notfication trigger, i receive this error message
INOQJE0032: Error executing the request with error [7126 , INOSXE7126 , Server extension failed , INOSXE7114: Java error: Errtext: ‘java.net.NoRouteToHostException: No route to host: connect’]
you have to specify a user that has used “Add to My Notifications” for this object. Then both users, the one that changes the object and the one that asked for the Notification has to have an email address which your mailhost can resolved. It will usually require that the “From” address matches your domain though.
I have proceeded exactly like the Demo Active Notifications example provided with Centrasite documentation, with email ids of users are set-up, and Add to my notifications is also set-up.
I also modified the host file to provide the IP address of our mailhost there.
Still no success.
I’ll continue to work on this and sort this out, Please provide any other suggestions you may have.
I just tried it again from scratch and the same error occured again. I checked the Tomcat log files and the same error details are presented there as well. Should i be looking at any other place for more details?
One step i did differently was, i was having problem importing the sendemail webservice from the web server, so i copied the wsdl file to my local drive and imported in Centrasite, using flie system option.
Am i right in assuming that copy the CentraSiteWSDemo.war file to tomcat\webapps directory would install the web service there and it would run there? How do i verify that service is running properly?
I was finally able to solve this problem. Not sure, what fixed this though, as this time i tried everything from scratch and give a customized name to my trigger. Also, i removed all the associations from service object (of servicebinding type) as a new association was being created every time i was creating the trigger and this was not deleted when the trigger was deleted.
Active Notification functionality is working good for me, i’m just using the default XQuery from the standard CentraSite documentation.
My question is, when a service is updated via CS Control, how do we capture the ‘Actual Change’ and send that information in the notification as well (i.e. the email message should also contain the changes made for the service for the service).