About the Feature requests category

Let us know how we can improve! Share your ideas and feature requests. What will help you do your job better? What do you like or dislike in Software AG’s products, solutions and platform?

In .io messaging for a serial-mode subscriber, calling a FLow-service gives the expected result (synchronous execution of the flowservice finishing before next item from queue handled). It would be nice if this was the case also when Workflow is called instead of current mechaism causing many parallel executions of workflow.

In .io integration it would be nice to be able to send binary data (e.g. zip file, pdf jpg or similar) over http. Currently only string-data can be posted.

In .io-integration it would be good if we could delete files from the local-fileshare between workflow executions to avoid interference from previous executions.

It would also be nice if we could work with subdirectories or execution-instance-specific folders for read, write, zip unzip and similar operation so that parallell executions would not interfere with each other.