%25rename%25 in DSP

I am trying to call a second %invoke% in my DSP after completion of the first %invoke%. The second %invoke% needs a variable generated by the first %invoke% in the same scope. My second %invoke% service expects a string as input. But, when i use:

%rename BranchResult/Output/branchNum OPLOCID -copy%

the OPLOCID variable is a type Object. I tried doing Object.toString but I’m not able to get the value. It gives me the address of the object like [LJAVA.LANG.STRING;@5951D0B5].

Can anyone help me? Reason I’m going thru all this trouble is because I dont think in DSP, you can do recursive value substitution like

%scope param(OPLOCID=‘%value document/branch%’)%.

I appreciate any help I can get.