XQL query path

using xql/wql i want to find a document from a documentlist
here is xml

<?xml version="1.0"?> 2611327 3201 2611327 3300 2611327 3310 2611327 3400

I want to find all documents with lineNm starting with 33(say)
Please provide some help


The Key point is ā€œ//*[LineNm[regex(ā€œ33\d\dā€)]]ā€ :eek:

But if you want to look at a working example, you can load the attached webMethods package.

Any problems let me know.

zzXMLQuery.zip (6.05 KB)

thanks that works.
wanted to know, what is meant by regex and how else can it be useful
any documentation/links would be helpful

regex stands for Regular Expression. Its a natural language and most of todays programing languages have an implementation of it. Google for Java Regular Expression and you will see tons of information.