X509 Certificate Authentication Fails After Generating Self-Signed Certificate

I’m encountering an issue with X509 certificate authentication that persists despite completing all necessary steps. Following the guide available at Cumulocity Documentation for generating a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL on a Windows machine, I’ve successfully completed the process up to the point where the certificate is enabled.
Here are the steps I’ve taken:

  1. Generated a self-signed certificate using OpenSSL on my Windows machine.
  2. Created and uploaded the Certificate Authority (CA).
  3. Performed Proof of Possession (PoP) to validate the certificate.
  4. Enabled the certificate according to the documentation.

Following the successful generation and setup of a self-signed certificate as described in the Cumulocity documentation, I attempted to authenticate using Postman. Specifically, I tried to use deviceCert.pem and devicekey.pem files, including the passphrase required for authentication. but get this error below:

To provide a clearer picture of the issue and aid in troubleshooting, I’ve prepared several snapshots detailing my configuration process.

  1. Successful Certificate Upload to Cumulocity: This snapshot demonstrates the successful upload of the certificate to Cumulocity, confirming that the certificate authority has been set up correctly.

  2. Certificate Configuration in Postman: The second snapshot illustrates how the certificate (deviceCert.pem) and key (devicekey.pem) are configured within Postman, including the passphrase required for authentication.

  3. MQTT Connect Call and Failure Response: The third snapshot captures the MQTT connect call made from Postman and the failure response received, highlighting the point of failure in the authentication process.

Could anyone offer insights or solutions based on this configuration? Are there specific adjustments or settings within Postman that might resolve the authentication issue? or is there something else I am doing wrong?

Hi Michael,

please provide your Cumulocity version.

Beside that, please provide the complete error message and the missing screenshots.
I can only see one screenshot in your post.


If I got it correctly you wanted to use postman to establish a MQTT connection?
Why not using a designated MQTT Client Tool like MQTTx?
I’m not sure if anyone can give support for postman as a MQTT client-tool.

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That’s the only error message I am getting, I don’t receive any other verbose message. My Cumulocity version is 1020.13.2.



cmd: “connack”

length: 2

sessionPresent: false

returnCode: 5"

Thanks Stefan I am using Mqttx now and the error I am getting is Error: error:1e000065:Cipher functions:OPENSSL_internal:BAD_DECRYPT when attempting this through MQTTx