Tamino X-Application uses JavaScript for actions like submitting the content of forms to the server and committing changes. In some environments JavaScript is disabled by default i.e. X-Application applications do not work as expected. Attached you find a workaround for building an X-Application application without JavaScript code, i.e. browsers without JavaScript will be able to use such an X-Application.
The context parameter
coded</pre> in <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">web.xml</pre> has to be set to true<BR><BR><B>Building Instructions:</B><BR><BR><UL TYPE=SQUARE><BR><LI>Replace the file <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">src/com/softwareag/xtools/xapplication/jsp/JspTag.java</pre><BR>with the attached file.<BR><LI>Do a <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">build quick</pre><BR><LI>Copy the resulting X-Application jar file <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">lib/debug/xapplication.jar</pre><BR>to your webapplication's <pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">lib directory</pre>.<BR></UL><BR><BR><B>CODING Instructions</B><BR><BR>In each form that is associated with an X-Application action<BR>(like commit, abandon,...) include the following input tag:<BR><BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre"><input type="hidden" name=":coded" value=""/></pre><BR><BR>When the servlet engine executes the page the appropriate :coded value is<BR>inserted into the hidden input field instead of JavaScript code.<BR><BR>The following example demonstrates how commit / abandon actions<BR>are implemented in the <A HREF="http://tamino.demozone.softwareag.com/demoXmlSecurity/XmlSignatureDemo/index.jsp" TARGET=_blank>Xml Signature Demo</A> without using JavaScript:<BR><BR><pre class="ip-ubbcode-code-pre">
<!-- START X-Application commit action -->
<form name="modify" method="post" action="<c:url value='/customer/display.jsp'/>">
<xapp:action type="commit"><input type="hidden" name=":coded" value=""/></xapp:action>
.... here comes the form (content of XML document) .....
<!-- END X-Application commit action -->
<!-- START X-Application abandon action -->
<form action="<c:url value='/customer/index.jsp'/>" method="post">
<xapp:action type="abandon"><input type="hidden" name=":coded" value=""/></xapp:action>
<input type="submit" value="Abort" title="do NOT store document"/></form>
<!-- END X-Application abandon action -->
Best regards,
Jan Harmsen
Software Engineer
Software AG
JspTag.java (23.6 KB)