Wm Broker native transport approach?

Hi all,

I have some questions regarding Wm Broker native transport approach.
I know that WMBroker talks to IS by its proprietary protocal. Also Tibco RV has it own proprietary protocal. What pro/con between the two proprietary protocal?

Have anyone used to do the migration of eai services between two platforms or have any information regarding the migration between the two?

Thanks so much.

If I remember correctly from my own selection between these two several years back, Tibco RV is a proprietary protocal based on UDP. Broker’s message transport uses standard TCP/IP typically over the default port of 6849.

I would suggest that how these two tools do low-level networking is not nearly so important as other higher level criteria. Both will exchange millions of messages fast enough to meet the needs of almost any customers.

More and more of my clients lately have been using the message oriented middleware as a JMS provider so that JMS is the messaging middleware and that apps are pretty insulated from the underlying implementation whether its Broker, Websphere MQ or Tibco RV.
