Why is xs:complexContent not supported?


a customer asks why xs:complexContent is not supported? Can someone tell me why and if it might be supported in future?

Pascal Sch

Hi Pascal

Up to version 4.2 Tamino’s subset of XML Schema does not support
derivation from user-defined types.
Hence, only complex types derived from xs:anyType are supported.
In this special case, the xs:complexContent element is not required
in the schema as there is a more compact description for the scenario:

<xs:complexType name=“A”>
<xs:restriction base=“xs:anyType”>
<xs:element name=“B”/>

is equivalent to

<xs:complexType name=“A”>
<xs:element name=“B”/>

However, the next version of Tamino will probably support derivation
from user-defined types and, thus, also xs:complexContent.

Best regards

PS: there is a separate “Schema [Editor]” topic in the forum
dedicated to schema issues like this :slight_smile: