I have a publishable document: DocA in IS1 which is “InSync” in the broker connected to IS1.
But after somtime if I check in the same broker the same document:DocA would have gone “out of sync”.
As far as i understand, A document goes out of sync if:
- changes are made to the publishable document:DocA
- changes are made to the broker document type of the document:DocA
- When the document:DocA is made publishable when the IS1 is not connected to its broker
- when the package containing the publishable docuemnt:DocA is installed to the IS1
5.when the client group of IS1 is changed
But none of these cases have occured, But the document:DocA which is “InSync” goes “out of sync” after somtime
Can anyone of you please let me know the reson for this issue???
Thanks in advance!!!