Where to find? Side-by-side Comparison of Integration Server, Integration Agent Microservices Runti


Is there any place with a side-by-side comparison of all the features of Integration Server, Integration Agent and
Microservices Runtime?

Which limitations do they have (memory, cpu, architecture, etc)?

Thank you.

The differences between the two are subtle as they are at heart the same product. Memory and CPU usage will depend on the type of workload that they have to do. Both are based on the same JRE, Azul 8.0, which will soon be upgraded to Azul 11.0 Zulu, so the tuning options are very similar.

The biggest difference between the two is that you will need to add packages to the MicroService Runtime that perhaps you are used to seeing by default with a classic Integration Server.

We have also removed the OSGI layer from the Microservice Runtime and so it doesn’t support multi-tenant instances. However this feature is redundant in a container architecture and in removing OSGI, have improved startup speed (approx 15 secs) and again reduced the image footprint.

Features such as application properties, health checker, service registration and circuit breaker that we developed for the Micro Service Runtime are also present in Integration Server, albeit you will need an appropriate license to use them.

hope this helps
Product Manager
Integration & Microservice Runtime.

webMethods (softwareag.com) provides this information in 10.7 doc.

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