where is TWS 4.2.1

Where can I find TWS 4.2.1 for download ?



TWS is no longer part of Tamino since v4.2. The documentation states that this is a removed feature. The README.TXT that accompanies v4.2 states the following:

1.6 Tamino WebDAV Server

As stated in the Release Notes, the Tamino WebDAV Server is no longer delivered with the Tamino kit. An updated version of the Tamino WebDAV Server is available as an open source component as part of the Apache Jakarta project. To access this component, go to the page http://jakarta.apache.org/site/cvsindex.html and select the “jakarta-slide” module for downloading. When the download is complete, the sources of the Tamino WebDAV Sever are available at the location jakarta-slide\proposals\tamino. Here you will find a readme.txt file and a build environment.

Hope this helps.

Stuart Fyffe-Collins
Software AG (UK) Ltd.

Hi all,

a full TWS 4.2.1 KIT is available for download on ServLine24. If you don’t have access to the ServLine24, please contact your local SAG office.

kind regards,
Eckehard is here : http://developer.softwareag.com/tamino/webdav/download.htm

The most current version of TWS is - this version can be downloaded from Servline24 under “Products” >> “Component Downloads” >> “Tamino - Components” - the versions 4.1.* and 4.2.1.* are based on very old Slide versions, so they should not be used.

Heiko Weber