what is flow service property "Scope" Why we use it?

what is flow service property “Scope” Why we use it?
What is flow service property “Audit” Why We use it?

Please review the Developer’s/Designer’s user guides on these topics and it has the explanation in some the chapters…

Scope property:
The name of a document (I
Data object) in the pipeline to which
you want to restrict this step. If
you want this step to have access
to the entire pipeline, le
ave this property blank

Audit property: (look in the page 159 of the user guide below)


Usually flowsteps have access to entire pipeline. I don’t have realtime scenario to show when to use. But when u want to restrict flowstep access to certain variable(idata object) not entire pipeline in such case, u can set scope as that idata object. So flowstep can alter only the variables inside that idata object. Hope this helps


your assumption is correct:)

Some practical examples,

pub.remote:invoke - you probably don’t want to pass the entire pipeline when calling this.

Also caching is based on the pipeline signature when calling a service, thus scoping makes it a lot easier to get a hit on the cache. This is related to the property “Runtime - Cache Results” perhaps not applicable to the new ehcache (have not used).

If you scope yourself down a document tree, you can get around “changing document structures” since your map service will always see the values based on the scoped level. Did this once when someone decided to version elements within an XML document. This is wrong on so many levels, solving it with a scope was the path of least resistance at the time.

An added benefit is that you can also shorten your input array of a loop / branch values etc. by using scoping.

This information helps alot for forum users

you bet and always YES:

Hello all,

Just wanted to say that the “Audit” property is also very important.

Using this the service invocation details are persisted and can be used for later analysis.

Actually a tool was created that nicely interpret audit logging data.

You can check it here: http://techcommunity.softwareag.com/web/guest/pwiki/-/wiki/Main/Rich+Audit+-+an+easy+way+to+visualize+your+service+audit+data

Vlad Turian

Can any one give example for this property that is how i give scope to particular element.
In my case I need to give scope for the variable called num1, Can I give num1 in scope property?


Give the name of the document (Idata) in the scope property.


- num1
- num2

Any questions?


Give the name of the document (Idata) in the scope property.


- num1
- num2

Any questions?


I am trying to use scope property but could not get the desired result.

I have the different documents in input like one, two three. I have specified the scope property of BRANCH step as document “one”. But in BRANCH i am using document “two” for conditioning, so i am expecting default step to be executed as only document “one” is available for BRANCH step. But its going through the condition instead of default step.

Can you please clarify me these.

Please look at the screenshots.

Jacob B

1 Like

Try adding a sequence before branch step and define the scope in the sequence…

Also I did not understand the expression that v you are trying to evaluate… it starts with ‘not’ and another expression default?

Hi All,

The scope property does not mean that the flow step will have access to that particular document. In fact even if you specify the scope document the entire pipeline will be available for the flow step.

Scope usually tells the server to consider the variable in the scope document instead of similar variable in the pipeline.

This is my observation. So my previous output is correct.

Jacob B

1 Like

Yes correct scope is to limit the pipeline vars and only use the vars under the scope for the downstream sequence.



Is it possible to pass more than one document(s) into service scope?

No, not in the single flow step.