What is diff between basic notification and other notificati

only basic difference is required. if possible with example.


The main difference is that most JDBC notification types (insert, update, delete) automatically create the necessary database objects (buffer table, trigger and sequence) for the notification, while basic notifications do not.

Some DBAs do not like the automatic creation of database objects as it means they must grant extra database privileges to the database user used by the JDBC adapter connection. Basic notifications provide you (and the DBA) with more control, but require extra work as you need to set up an appropriate buffer table, trigger and sequence yourself.

TIP: Set up an insert/update/delete notification in your development environment, then “copy” the table, trigger and sequence to your own SQL script and set it up as a basic notification from then onwards.

Hope this helps.

Jonathan Heywood
webMethods Professional Services

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Basic notifications are a wonderful thing because you have greater control over the trigger logic at a programic level and can easily build logs arround notification events. Sure program a trigger takes a few extra seconds.

However one big down side of Basic Notifications is that your data must have a single column unique primary key if a delete from the buffer table is to be performed. In the old days of Active Works (prior to webMethods), basic notifications correctly used the databases internal rowid to uniquely delete a basic notification buffer table’s row upon completion of the notification. Unfortunatley today you must specify a single column primary key…or build one yourself into the buffer table (e.g. unique sequence number) and include it in your basic notification event trigger.

I have one ‘t1’ table under xxx schema in database